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Dr. DellaVolpe Breaks World Record with Life-Saving International ECMO Flight

San Antonio’s Dr. Jeffrey DellaVolpe and a team of clinicians finish 30-plus-hour critical care journey from Portland, Oregon, to the United Arab Emirates

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Our ECMO physicians, Dr. Melo and Dr. Thangudu, help McMullen Co. Commissioner survive five cardiac arrests

ECMO doctors at Methodist Hospital provides life-saving car for McMullen County Commissioner Larry Garcia.

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Dr. DellaVolpe discusses COVID-19 on CNN

Watch Dr. DellaVolpe on CNN, as reporter Miguel Marquez goes inside a San Antonio, Texas, hospital that is becoming overwhelmed with patients as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread.

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A last resort against COVID-19

According to a registry created by the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, which tracks data from ECMO centers around the world, hospitals reported its use on more than 500 COVID-19 patients, including nearly 400 in North America.

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Methodist Hospital’s ECMO program receives national acclaim

Methodist Hospital’s ECMO Program recently received the ELSO Gold Level Center of Excellence Award— the most prestigious designation in critical care by the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization.

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Thanks to lifesaving treatment, local man gets to celebrate another Father’s Day

Last December, what 29-year-old Justin Moreno thought was a minor cold, ended up almost costing his life. Thanks to ECMO, he was able to celebrate another father’s day with his family.

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Woman saved from ‘massive heart attack’ while visiting daughter in hospital

Thanks to ECMO, San Antonio woman is getting a second chance at life after suffering a massive heart attack.

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BAMC’s adult ECMO program receives national recognition

BAMC’s adult extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, program has received the Award for Excellence in Life Support from the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. The recognition designates BAMC as a National ECMO Center of Excellence.

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Local Air Force Reserve doctor leads life-saving medevac mission

A week before Thanksgiving, a Navy explosive ordnance disposal technician clung to life in a Baghdad hospital after a roadside bomb he was clearing left his body in tatters.

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Maj. Jeffrey DellaVolpe – Air Force Reserve Presents Profiles in Leadership

Maj. Jeffrey DellaVolpe, an Individual Mobilization Augmentee in the Air Force Reserve, is one of less than a handful of military doctors qualified in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO.

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